Thursday, April 19, 2007

Added Blog Features

Hello my dear netpreneur friends,
it's been a while since my last posted article. As I have said previously, I just started my junior medical clerkship. For the past two weeks, getting online is a personal struggle. As a young doctor, it is mandatory for me to have 100% attendance. Plus after I finish doing skills lab practice, etc, I still have to review what I have learned that day and prepare myself for the next day.

It's totally different from my preclinical years when I only studied medical theories. Now, all those theories will have to be applied to REAL patients. Of course, it is my ethical and moral responsibilities to continue studying vigorously for the sake of my future patients. That's a whole different kind of responsibility. Definitely the kind I must not disregard whatsoever.

Well, enough about my personal struggle..Let's get back to internet marketing. As you can see, I have added some features to my blog. On the sidebar, there are some links of blog directories, such as technocrati. My blog is already listed to them. Afterwards, I am allowed to put the link to that directory. The link can be in the format of text (like I did with "Wartablog") or button (like "technocrati"). The blog directory usually provides the HTML tag that you can easily copy and paste to your blog template. Just as easy as that.

Other feature is a dictionary. You can see that I already included a link to Kamus.Net. If you have any difficulties in translating my articles (which is entirely in English) into Bahasa Indonesia, you can just click that link and voila! there's your online dictionary.

Another feature that I have found quite useful is shoutbox. You can visit and create your own shoutbox. Just sign up, create your shoutbox, then copy-paste the HTML tag to your blog.

And last but not least, it is important to have your own counter. The use of it is to track how many visitors you have each day along with their details (countries, browser, IP, etc). You can find a free counter by searching it through search engines. I've tried two of them : and Shinystat only allows you to make 1 free counter for each account (you can make another using another e-mail, I suppose). While statcounter allows you to have multiple counters in one account. So, if you have more than one blog, you can make 1 counter for each blog. It's easier to manage.

Oh, another feature that I added was marquee. It's like a scrolling bar where your text can be shown in rotation. You can adjust the movement, either upwards or downwards. I have tried it, but I don't know why it's not working properly. It's not rotating. So far, it only seems like an ordinary list of links. I haven't figured out what's wrong with it. Probably there's an error on my HTML code. I'll fix it later on.

Okay then..I'll have to get back to my study..
I hope everybody's progressing just fine. See you around!

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