Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Online Community : Citizendium

Dearest netpreneur friends,

you might've known that information is a huge thing for online business. Most of the products being sold online (and those which hit the best-sellers) are information products. Therefore, it is important for us to have a credible and reputable source of information. One of them is Wikipedia. I'm sure you're already familiar with Wikipedia.

Now, we have another source called Citizendium, a "citizens' compendium of everything," is an open wiki project aimed at creating an enormous, free, and reliable encyclopedia. This project was started by a founder of Wikipedia (first announced last September 15) and aimed to improve on the Wikipedia model by adding " gentle expert oversight" and requiring contributors to use their real names.

The goal of this project is to capture humanity's multivarious understanding of reality, and thereby to paint a maximally broad and detailed portrait of our universe. It is hoped that it will grow to hundreds of thousands of articles within a few years, and millions a few years after that. Moreover, this project is also meant to create a new sort of online community.

This is how we can get involved :

  1. Register as an author. Go to
  2. Join the project forums and contribute your thoughts at
  3. Join Citizendium-L for important announcements at

Okay then. That's all the info I got so far. I hope this info will be pretty useful. It's neat to be involved in an expert-led project, right? That way, we can learn a lot from it.


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